Sunday Weed: Weekly Digest, Number Twenty-Nine - Sweedsy Sunday Weed: Weekly Digest, Number Twenty-Nine - Sweedsy
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Sunday Weed: Weekly Digest, Number Twenty-Nine


It’s Sunday! It’s Mother’s day! Hug your mom and say thanks for everything she has done for you. Mothers do tremendous work every day — and get praised too rarely for it.

Celebrate your mom by taking her to brunch. Get cozy, have a laugh, and enjoy the moment. If you are out of the town, call her. Grab your favorite cannabis product and dive into childhood memories. Or, check our digest — we gathered seven articles and blog posts from the web right for your Sunday.

1. Daily dose of cannabis extract could reverse brain’s decline in old age, study suggests

Regular low doses of THC – the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis – turn out to impair memory and learning in young mice but boost the performance of old ones. Based on this data, researchers have come up with an unusual proposal to slow the cognitive decline with small daily doses of cannabis extract. They plan to run clinical trial later this year.

2. 5 Reasons Why Jeff Sessions’ Drug War Reboot Will Fail

Jeff Sessions is trying to revive drug war. But here’s why it will not work this time: because Americans have had enough of the BS.

3. A Quick Guide to DIY Topicals — Try Today!

Cannabis-infused topicals seem like a next big thing. Lotions, salves, or balms bring immense relief from chronic or acute localized pain. Topicals are applied directly to the skin which means you will not get high. They are a great pain reliever during the work day or another time when you cannot consume cannabis.

4. Lib Dems pledge to legalize cannabis so it can be sold in high street shops

In the U.K., the Liberal Democrats have pledged to fully legalize cannabis and allow the drug to be sold on the high street. The party wants to create a legal market and claims that this move will improve mental health. It’s the first time a major party has pledged to legalize the production and sale of cannabis in a General Election.

5. Friday Sex: How Sativa and Indica Affect Orgasms?

Your body is ready, but you are looking for something new to enhance your sex life. What about adding your favorite cannabis product to it? Yeah, you have heard it right. What about coupling cannabis with sex?

6. How Much Does Smoking Weed Actually Affect Your Driving?

With a growing number of legal states, the question of DUI becomes more tricky. Vice’s Krishna Andavolu investigates what happens when you drive high and interviews experts and officials.

7. I’m Allergic to Weed

Legalization was not good for everyone. Find out how hard is to live with an allergy to weed. Spoiler: super hard. Think of your neighbors!

Enjoyed your digest? Let us know.
See you next Sunday!

(Sweedsy in no way encourages illegal activity and would like to remind its readers that marijuana usage continues to be an offense under Federal Law, regardless of state marijuana laws. To learn more, click here.)


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