Five Facts About Cannabis And Sex Life

Marijuana has a reputation of an aphrodisiac. But when it comes to cannabis and sex, scientific research seems to contradict individual experience. Some cannabis users claim that cannabis has a negative impact on their sex drive. What does marijuana really do to your sex life? Here go five facts that will shed light on this interesting question.
1. It is something in between
According to the sociology department at the University of California Santa Barbara, people mostly fall somewhere in between when it comes to feeling arousal after consuming cannabis. It depends on particular strains or the specific mood. However, the informal poll by Psychology Today showed that 67% of respondents claimed that cannabis improved their sex drive.
2. It is about having more sexual partners
The 2009 study of the Australian Research Centre in Sex showed that women who reported frequent cannabis consumption were more likely to have more than two sexual partners in the previous year. For men, cannabis consumption was linked to a “doubling of the likelihood of reporting two or more partners.”
3. It is about the orgasm
The same study found a correlation between speeding up orgasms in male cannabis users. Regular consumers were more likely to be dissatisfied at the length of their performance in bed. The UC Santa Barbara study found that cannabis also skews a consumer’s concept of time. So, it all depends on individual perceptions.
4. It is about hormones
Certain studies claim that cannabis reduces the level of testosterone in the body. Testosterone is one of the key hormones that triggers desire. Thus low levels have a negative impact on libido. However, this claim has been refuted by the cannabis community and more studies.
5. It is about “moobs”
The Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health claim that regular cannabis consumption may be one of the causes of gynecomastia in men. Known as “moobs,” this phenomenon depends on a correlation between frequent cannabis consumption and the overdevelopment of male breast tissue, which is connected to testosterone levels. However, the research seems to be contradictory.
(Sweedsy in no way encourages illegal activity and would like to remind its readers that marijuana usage continues to be an offense under Federal Law, regardless of state marijuana laws. To learn more, click here.)
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