The Importance of Right Dosage: Bigger No Better

Okay, enough politics. Talk is cheap. The nation is under some severe pressure, and it’s time to switch to the thing that helps us relax – weed.
Your desire to consume as much cannabis as possible is understandable, but wait a minute – it can be something you don’t really want to do. And here’s why.
Even in the world where cannabis strains tend to become stronger every year (just imagine, potency grew from four percent in the 80s to 15 percent in 2012), people still want something moderate. No, not these strains with 20-30% of THC inside. Just some ‘normal’ weed. Why?
Many patients and recreational consumers have this misconception that ‘high-octane’ THC strains (or strains with a high percentage of the cannabinoid in them) will bring more benefits than strains with a moderate amount of THC. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way. High in THC strains are therapeutically less effective and can even cause detrimental short and long-term effects.
A right dosage is a key. Throughout time, doctors and medical practitioners around the world have been advocating for the importance of moderate dose. For example, Chinese pharmacopeia dated 2700 B.C.E. warns a reader against consuming too much marijuana, citing ‘seeing demons’ as a possible adverse outcome. Today we know that these demons are likely to be a paranoia or anxiety. Which is not that great, too.
Who to blame for it?
Simple logic. If it’s good in small amounts, it’s gonna be better in bigger.
Not so fast. Paracelsus, a Swiss philosopher and physician, who lived in the early Renessaince, said: “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing, not a poison.”
In significant amounts, cannabis can produce a biphasic effect, which means that low to moderate doses bring desired effects, while high doses cause the opposite. Remember that last time you’ve been having a drink at that party, and people were funny, and then you drank more and ended up throwing in a bathroom? Yeah, that’s it. A biphasic effect.
Too much THC is… bad?
Too much THC can cause intense anxiety, paranoia, and panic attack. It can also impair your cognitive functions and, if used for therapy, can exacerbate symptoms. Sounds awful, doesn’t it?
To prove that cannabis is beneficial if consumed in a moderate dose, researchers at U.C. San Diego conducted a randomized controlled trial. Patients on the low dose or placebo did not report any significant relief. The reasonable percentage of THC brought the optimal result, while the high amounts caused increased pain and discomfort. However, this research was focused solely on THC, and there still might be something else that lead to such outcomes.
The process, during which users define the most reasonable amount of THC for themselves, is called ‘self-titration.’ They adjust their consumer behavior to get a desirable result based on their previous experience and feelings.
Of course, the high dosage in some sense can be beneficial. If a patient gets an opportunity to find a relief faster and inhaling less smoke, it’s good for their health. However, one should be always aware of the proper dose; at some point, THC levels can bring the opposite effects.
With cannabis gaining recognition and popularity, people start to recognize its other valuable properties, such as terpenes, aroma, and origins. Growers gradually realize that it’s time to stop trying to breed ‘the strongest.’ It’s time for diversity and experimentation with taste and effects. The ultimate goal, however, remains intact – to bring people the best experience and relief with the highest level of safety and responsibility.
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