Ten Things You’re Going To Do When You’re Super High
A smoke sesh can go different directions: from not getting high at all to get baked in minutes. If you don’t believe in setting limits, you’re more likely to get super high once in a while. Of course, it’s not what smoking weed is all about, but sometimes you just want to find out how high you can get. Here go ten things that more likely to happen if you get there.
1. Checking yourself out
You’re gonna stare at yourself in the mirror as you’ve never seen your face before. You will notice that you’re looking at an entirely different person. Then you just suddenly realize that yeah, this person staring back is you. And you’re damn fine, bitch.
2. Destroying all the food around
MUNCHIES!!! The higher you get, the hungrier you become. But man, that food tastes so good when you’re super high. Pro hint: stuff your fridge beforehand. High you will thank you later.
3. Moving your body
There’s nothing like getting super high and jamming to some beats. Bust the move and have fun. (Even it’s the same move. Nobody cares, just dance.)
4. Sitting here
There could be anything: a car alarm, loud music or even a fight breaking out. Nothing will bother you. Once you’re in the zone, there’s no way back — until you start coming back from the place you’re stuck on.
5. Talking to yourself
Oh, boy, there is gonna be some convos you will have with your brain. And believe us, your brain will never disappoint you, especially when you’re high as hell.
6. Getting lost in TV
Turn those nature documentaries on; it’s time to dive into the beautiful world of wild. As long as you have your snacks and blanket, you’re good.
7. Considering smoking more
At some point, you’re going to think about it. And hell yeah, the answer is always yes. Light your joint, buddy; there’s nothing to lose.
8. Getting hit by weed
Once that weed hits you too hard, you’re getting knocked out. Have a good sleep, you.
9. Laughing at everything
THE GIGGLES. When they strike, there’s no way back. Ugly laughing, for no reason — just let it get out of you. There’s nothing to be ashamed of; you’re just super high. Enjoy.
10. Losing your chill
Unless you become paranoid, smoking a ton of pot won’t hurt. But edibles can. Too many of those will make you run and jump, especially if the floor is lava. Don’t be scared; it’s just some weird sort of exercising. Who said you couldn’t burn those calories while getting high?
(Sweedsy in no way encourages illegal activity and would like to remind its readers that marijuana usage continues to be an offense under Federal Law, regardless of state marijuana laws. To learn more, click here.)
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