According to US legal definitions, medical marijuana refers to use of cannabis or marijuana as a physician-recommended form of medicine. It also includes any constituents of cannabis, such as particular cannabinoids.
Find more information on cannabis laws state-by-state here. Norml also has a timely updated map to reflect changing cannabis legislation.
All of them have different THC:CBD ratio and hybrids can be cultivated with preset features.
THC and CBD are two most known cannabinoids. Generally, cannabinoids are a class of diverse chemical compound. These compounds act on cannabinoid receptors in neurons and affect neurotransmitter release in the brain.
Research on the medical benefits of marijuana led scientists to discover the existence of the endocannabinoid systems in the human and animals bodies. They found out that consuming of marijuana stimulates CB1 and CB2 receptors in the body with the help of phytocannabinoids, and it produces a variety of effects. Later research suggested that phytocannabinoids may inhibit the growth of cancerous cells, reduce pain and support healing.
Science revealed around 85 types of cannabinoids in cannabis plants. Most of them are barely studied in comparison with THC and CBD.
Cannabis plant produces cannabinoids. Cannabinoids affect the overall body state through the endocannabinoid system. The main influencers are THC, CBD, and CBN.
THC is the most popular cannabinoid. It has psychoactive effects and can influence mood and behavior. That is THC that responsible for ‘head-high’ and ‘stoned’ feeling.
THC has proven therapeutic benefits. It is particularly potent in pain management, appetite arousal and battling nausea. For patients with glaucoma, it helps to relieve intraocular pressure. Some studies say that THC can ease depression and fatigue.
THC uplifts mood and gives energy. However, an overdose of THC can induce anxiety and panic.
CBD is the second most known cannabinoid. It does not have psychoactive effects. Sometimes, CBD can counter some of the effects of THC. This cannabinoid is known for its pain-relieving abilities and anti-inflammatory effects.
CBD has a broad range of possible therapeutic effects. It may help with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, diabetes, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. CBD also aids in relieving the pain of chemotherapy against cancer. The reduced psychoactivity makes CBD appealing to patients seeking anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and anti-anxiety effects without getting ‘high’.
CBD brings relaxation and soft body high, providing pain relief and rest. However, an overdose of CBD can induce fatigue and apathy.
CBN is known for its non-psychoactive impact on sleep patterns. It helps to fight insomnia and fall asleep. CBN is produced when THC oxides exposed to light and air.
Research suggests that it may have pain-relieving, antibacterial, and anticonvulsive effects. CBN is a powerful sedative and may lower intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma and promote the growth of new bone cells.
It is believed that a complex group of molecules and receptors regulates the human body. This system, called endocannabinoid, was discovered during research on possible medical benefits of marijuana. This receptor system is spread throughout the body and believed to maintain homeostasis of the organism. Homeostasis is a balance of internal environment that adjusts itself when external conditions change.
Receptors regulate appetite, blood pressure, immune system, pain sensation and other processes in the body. It affects all the organs of humans and animals: brain, muscles, bones, immune system, reproductive system, vascular system and other systems.
The body naturally produces cannabinoids that bind to these receptors. Scientists divide them into two groups: CB1 and CB2. CB1 is found in the brain and nervous system, while CB2 receptors are found all over the human body and particularly in the immune system. Cannabinoids bind to receptors and help to provide communication between different types of cells where bodily systems intersect. These cannabinoids are known as endocannabinoids.
Phytocannabinoids, found in the cannabis plants, may bind to these receptors too, providing a timely and enhanced response to disruption of homeostasis. Different strains affect various problems and should be chosen accordingly.
The effects are noticeable, so particular cannabinoids are synthesized for a legal prescription use. It is known drugs like Marinol, Nabilone, and Rimonabant. These medicines are useful for some specific conditions. However, research shows that herbal cannabis has a far broader range of therapeutic components.
Cannabis is used to treat many conditions. They can be grouped by the system they affect in the body. The effects may vary, and our expectations play a significant role in the results we get.
Pain/Sleep Management:
Cannabis improves mood, brings relaxation and eases pains. It can help relieve certain conditions and improve the quality of life. The research is ongoing and broad investments are done to improve and increase a precision of upcoming results.