Seven Peculiar Ways People Used Cannabis in the 1930s

Before the infamous Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, people widely used cannabis as medicine. However, after 1937, the plant got stigmatized and outlawed which led to a decline of medicinal use.
However, how did people actually used it? Marijuana could be bought in drug stores across the country and was advertised as a treatment for a bunch of conditions. Some of these conditions were relieved, but others… well, it’s a weird story.
Here’s a list of seven most common ways to use marijuana in the 1930s.
1. Sedative (it works)
Just in case you needed a narcotic or sedative, Eli Lilly & Co Cannabis Fluid Extract was a go-to option. This potion (it was labeled as poison) was 80% alcohol. Now it could be considered a tincture, but still a little bit too much.
Moreover, the potion was advertised as an “antispasmodic” which resembles the way marijuana is used today. Medical cannabis is one of the most effective treatments for epilepsy, and Eli Lilly was onto something almost a hundred years ago.
2. For hysterical women (well, the 1930s)
One of the possible products targeted women. Lloyd Specific Medicine could treat melancholia, PMS, stomach pain, “nervous depression” or anything for which a man would call a woman “crazy.”
No, really: the bottle says that the potion is “useful in hysterical patients, and in the mild forms of insanity in women, especially if these be due to menstrual irregularities which are the cause of pain” and “always abnormal sexual appetite.” Oh, well.
3. Asthma (interesting)
People in 1930s were sure that cannabis cigarettes could cure asthma. As ridiculous as it might seem, Grimault Co. produced “Indian Cigarettes” which were used as an asthma treatment.
Cannabis can relieve asthma but not by smoking joints. Liquid CBD can help reduce the inflammation symptomatic and make the life of patients much, much easier.
4. Gonorrhea (no, seriously)
Another weird way to use cannabis was to treat gonorrhea. It was produced by Wm. S. Merrell, an Ohio-based chemical company. They claimed that their potions and tinctures could be used as an anesthetic and sedative as well. Those are not far from the truth, but gonorrhea? Whoever thought about it should have had a great imagination.
5. Relaxation (obvious)
During 1930s cannabis clubs were quite popular. People called them “Tea Pads” — a couple of rooms with comfy chairs and jazz. The “Tea Pads” attracted different types of customers. Probably it was the reason why officials were not particularly fond of these clubs.
Bunions and corns (doubtful)
It’s probably hard to believe, but marijuana was the most common treatment for bunions and corns. People were trying to get rid of painful bumps by applying different cannabis-infused products on their feet.
Nobody knows if the treatment was effective. However, marijuana is a potent anti-bacterial and can help to relieve psoriasis and eczema. Probably, it can do the same for bunions and corns. Try yourself.
7. Urinary infections (what)
Most popular tinctures in the 1930s claimed to cure urinary infections or urinary tract pain, as well as sexually transmitted diseased. We don’t know if it helped someone but let’s hope that it was the case. Otherwise, it could have severe consequences for many people.
The bottom line
In the 1930s, cannabis was a go-to medicine for a wide variety of medical conditions. Though many of the applications today seem funny, medical researchers rediscover many ways of medicinal use of cannabis. All we need is more research on the topic — and who knows, probably some of these ways to use medical marijuana are legit. Probably.
(Sweedsy in no way encourages illegal activity and would like to remind its readers that marijuana usage continues to be an offense under Federal Law, regardless of state marijuana laws. To learn more, click here.)
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